New Flame Colored Stainless Steel Swivel Knives

How to order

-UPDATE- These are now selling for $220.00.

I’m making these new knives personally one at a time.  They will be made to order with sizing specifics determined by you the customer.  They are flame-colored stainless steel. The knurling has the best grip of any knives I’ve ever used, especially the ones with the annular rings. The yoke has two bearings for stability and is exceptionally smooth. My blades are made of D2 blade steel. To order one I just need an email address, shipping address, and phone number, to send an invoice That you will be able to securely pay online.  Email to

Please specify the barrel length and diameter that you would like for your knife. The three in these pictures are 7/16″. Other choices are, 3/8″, 1/2″, 9/16″, and 5/8″.

To determine the length of the barrel that you want, study the picture to the right.  You need to measure your current knife from the yoke saddle to the end of the barrel without a blade.  Then, decide how much adjustment you want the new knife to have beyond the top end of the barrel.  The knife can be made with the barrel top right below the yoke, or you can choose to have some adjustment room to set it shorter if needed.  All knives are able to be set longer than the chosen barrel length.

To order a knife I specifically need the barrel length that you decide upon and the barrel diameter.

The picture at the far right illustrates a method that has proven particularly good for determining a swivel knife’s length based on hand size.  It might be a good idea to try this with a knife that you currently use before measuring for your new knife.

I’m very excited about these unique knives and appreciate the opportunity to make them available to you.

Knife length

From my book “Harmony and Life in Leather

“Understand the swivel knife and the ergo­nomics of its use.”

The knife, in the picture to the right, has been adjusted using the above method of finding the length from your hand size.  It may be longer than many folks are accustomed to. Also, note that the fingers and side of the hand are up, off of the work surface, as are the forearm and elbow, freeing up the joints of the arm to move. The length of the knife is such that a natural stress is set up, in the index finger, which automatically pushes the knife downward into the leather. If you have always adjusted your knife to be shorter than this, you may think that this feels awkward. In fact, people who make this adjustment gain a great deal more control. With your hand and arm free of the bench top, you are free to move all of the linkages in your arm, to make long, flowing cuts that taper over their entire length.

Plans of Procedure

Plans of Procedure

When Starting out as a full time saddle maker, I kept a plan of procedure for each of the various rigging types that I was called on to build.  These plans were constantly being updated as I proceeded from saddle to saddle.  Here are some of the documents that I worked up back then.  I don't do things exactly like this now, and in some cases have changed things quite a bit.  My hope is that these might be helpful to some of you just starting out, and that they may provide a guide to your own note taking.  When I was building mostly contract saddles this approach really helped to develop efficiency and speed in my workflow.

The fourth PDF here is a copy of the notes I made when teaching other makers to build the hunting saddles that we were contracted to produce.

Fitting and Costructing-drop plate rigging
Fitting and Constructing in skirt
Fitting and Constructing in skirt and hubbard

Fitting hubbard skirt jockey


Sharpener Handpieces: Once Again, My Apologies…

It has recently come to my attention that the handpieces for the In-Line Swivel Knife Sharpening System have not been pictured in the online catalog here at my store.  This has been an oversight that involved the simple un-ticking of a box in my settings.

The handpieces have been out of stock for longer than I had anticipated.  I have a batch here that just require some finishing and I hope to have them back in stock by June this year, 2020.

I apologise for any confusion and inconvenience that this has caused.

Gordon Andrus

A Source for Nice Pricking Irons

In Prescott last week I was able to have students at my stitching workshop try out the new Horseshoe Brand pricking irons.  I’ll tell you, they perform admirably.  The are sized stitches per inch (spi) like we in the U.S. are accustomed too.  They are also narrow enough to fit right in a stitch groove.  Collen also set me up with a new awl that they are carrying that matches the pricking irons in the profile of the blade.  It also fits sweetly in your palm.  Nice work Jeremiah, and Colleen.  #horseshoebrandtools

Oooops Fixed

I should have done this months ago…

The problems in the first small printing of this book, “Harmony and Life in Leather”, have been fixed.  The errors were changed right away and other than the first  twenty or so books they have been going out with no missing images or text ever since.  The books are available here.  They can also be purchased from the Leather Crafters and Saddlers Journal, and will soon be available from Barry King at his website.

Harmony and Life cover 2 Altrnt


I want to thank all those who have recently purchased my new book, Harmony and Life in Leather.  With the publication I have received notes from some of you which pointed out a couple of images that were left out of the first printing along with a couple of hanging sentences.  I sent some of you an email with a new edited pdf of the pages that were affected, and have heard back that some were unable to open the files.  I suggested that I could load the pages on this blog as images in a gallery that could be downloaded or saved as screenshots.  This met with approval and seems like the best solution.  Three pages of the book were affected.  In a book however, even the simplest additions can have a big effect on the layout.  The result is that I have placed six pages in this gallery to make sure I have covered everything that was needed.

To view the images you may need to open this post in its own browser page by clicking on the title (Oooops!) above.  Feel free to copy and download these images.  I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and appreciate the opportunity to share with you all.

Gordon Andrus  

Introducing 1Well at long last I have this in print and available here at Red Ox Brand Tools.  I’m pretty excited about this new book.  It comes with several patterns to use with the techniques and concepts that are covered in depth throughout the book.  It contains 220 illustrations, and presents a unique insight into the art of ornamental tooling in leather.

Please check it out here.

Upcoming Pendleton Show

The Pendleton Leather Show is right around the corner.  I’m excited about the classes I have on offer this year.  I’ve tweaked a few things and I think the classes will be fresh and better than ever.

We will be hand stitching with European style pricking irons and expanding our hand stitching to include box stitching.  As always, my extensive handouts will be included with each workshop.

Visit Pendleton Leather Show to sign up for classes

You can see full descriptions of the classes here on the new Class Information and Tool List page.  This page includes two illustrated tool lists for a solid start to your tool kits, including a source for the tools discussed in my new book.

I’ll also have the new book Harmony and Life in Leather available at the show.


Filling a Boot Top Layout

Filling In a Boot Top Layout

A few days ago my good friend requested some assistance with a layout for a pair of boots he is making.  I made this little slideshow to illustrate how a layout can be filled by placing the main structures along the flow (or skeletal) lines, and then filling with the simple leaves descending from the flowers flowing back to the origin.

If you open this slideshow and advance frame by frame you will see it as a time lapse animation.

Was this Useful?

Much thanks to Paul Krause for so graciously allowing me to share this.  If you found this helpful, please leave a comment to let me know what you saw that was useful.  If you have questions please ask them in a comment.  Also, feel free to share the information you find here.