What is Form?

What Is Form?

The English studio potter Michael Cardew expressed an idea, that form is a thing not of the self, separate from the maker, and existing by itself.  This thought has intrigued me since I first encountered it thirty-five years ago.  My musings on this idea have leant direction to my creative life.  The realization — that this search for form need not be crowded by an over emphasis on oneself as creator, artist, and maker — is liberating.  There is freedom in the idea that form is something to seek after, to look for in the world. 

2 thoughts on “What is Form?

  1. Thanks for the comment, Cary. Michael Cardew’s life’s work was filled with generosity. Truly one of my mentors, though we never met. My teacher, Val Cushing was another, and it was my honor to have known him. I’ve been blessed with amazing teachers. Teachers who have shown me that I have to give to get.

  2. Good stuff there Gordon. I agree whole-heartedly with you.

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