Filling a Boot Top Layout

Filling In a Boot Top Layout

A few days ago my good friend requested some assistance with a layout for a pair of boots he is making.  I made this little slideshow to illustrate how a layout can be filled by placing the main structures along the flow (or skeletal) lines, and then filling with the simple leaves descending from the flowers flowing back to the origin.

If you open this slideshow and advance frame by frame you will see it as a time lapse animation.

Was this Useful?

Much thanks to Paul Krause for so graciously allowing me to share this.  If you found this helpful, please leave a comment to let me know what you saw that was useful.  If you have questions please ask them in a comment.  Also, feel free to share the information you find here.

Excerpts from My Book

I prepared a preview of several pages from within my book “Drawing Floral Patterns for Leather Tooling.”  Please leave a comment, or email if you have questions.  The book can be purchased at my store on this site.  Be sure to register so you can be notified of future posts.  Thanks for checking in, and please enjoy!